Contact with our SubConscious

All of us have contact with our subconscious. For example, from the National Institute on Sleep Research there is conclusive demonstration that sleep consists of mental imagery, usually known to us as dreaming. Every night, whether we remember those dreams or not, we are in regular contact with our subconscious mind. This is the one occasion when everyone's subconscious can get a word in edgewise.

There are other ways to deliberately keep in touch with our subconscious. That is the purpose of such practices as meditation and dream analysis. To enhance conscious contact with the subconscious we have developed a process, which we call SubContact.

How is the subconscious mind different from consciousness? In a word: Awareness. This awareness manifests itself in different ways.

For example, we demonstrate that when individuals are out of touch with their subconscious they are of two minds. Such people are literally in conflict with themselves. This conflict usually takes the form of chronic inner fear. Such people can be prime candidates for drug and alcohol abuse, but may compensate for their constant state of turmoil in other ways. Relationships suffer, life seems meaningless, neurosis develop, etc. There is a feeling about life that asks, is this all there is?

On the other hand, people who are in touch with their subconscious have a higher degree of awareness, integrating subconscious material into consciousness, one mind. Conflicts are resolved through self-understanding. There is congruency between the inner and outer persona. This does not mean life is without conflict, but it does mean that a mechanism is in place for resolving such discord. We offer such a process - SUBCONTACT.

We believe that nearly anyone can learn to practice SubContact and experience an ecological change of perspective.

You can order our detailed description of how to identify subliminal fears and experience conscious contact with your subconscious online from Trafford Publishing.

To find out more, GO TO SubContact OR CHI Learning Centre


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